Last Words—a film based on the eponymous book by Santiago Amigorena—is a sci-fi drama that takes place in 2085 after much of humanity is killed off by a major event. The story follows a young man who searches for survivors—he finds them, and also finds an old film camera that brings everyone together through creating art.
It is, in other words, an indie movie about the end of the world. And Gravitas Ventures released a trailer of the film today (via Collider), which gives us a glimpse of the story and also a sense of the story’s tone, which has a more intimate feel to it than your typical Hollywood sci-fi movie.
Last Words was a 2020 Cannes Official Selection but never premiered there because, you know, Covid. The movie is now finally set to come out this December, and the trailer gives hints at what director Jonathan Nossiter has said the film is really about—the future ravages of climate change.
Nossiter shot the movie for only a couple million dollars, pocket change in the world of Hollywood. Despite the low budget, the film has an impressive cast including Nick Nolte, Charlotte Rampling, and Stellan Skarsgård. Kalipha Touray makes his acting debut in the film as the young man who discovers the camera and brings a small group of people together. If the trailer is any indication, it is a story about a ravaged world but also a story about hope and new beginnings.
You can watch the film in its entirety when it premieres in theaters and releases on-demand on December 17, 2021.